Vidita Govindachari

Co- Chairperson

Shreyas S

Co- Chairperson

Agenda: Implementing a sustainable system of global carbon pricing 

Today, we stand at a pivotal point in our history, as global warming pushes the world towards the point of no return. The urgency of the UNEP's mission cannot be overstated; with each passing year, the impacts of climate change become more pronounced, affecting communities, ecosystems, and economies worldwide. Discussions on climate change mitigation have long been marred by private economic considerations, but as the situation grows more dire, consensus and pragmatism are the needs of the hour. 

Carbon pricing represents a powerful and forward-thinking strategy to combat climate change by putting a value on carbon emissions and stimulating transformative actions across nations and industries. The time for action is now, and carbon pricing offers a pathway to harness the market forces that can drive sustainable change. As representatives of diverse nations with varied priorities, it is more important than ever before that we reach consensus, and prioritize our collective futures through dialogue, problem-solving and policy formulation. At the threshold of that fateful 1.5 ºC, the course of human history stands to be altered by these deliberations: at the United Nations' Environment Programme, the responsibility lies with you.

Background Guide
