Micah Joseph


Ishaan Jose Jacob

Vice- Chairperson

Agenda: The Impact of Disarmament on the 2030 SDGs 

"We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." – David Attenborough

All United Nations member states are committed to building a better world for all. Pursuing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) plays a vital role in this journey.

On the other hand, the world still possesses 13,000 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy our planet multiple times. The monstrous number of weapons of mass destruction and other types of arms is also alarming.

Welcome to the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament(UNSSOD), where countries have gathered at this pivotal moment to decide how disarmament can accelerate the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieve a better future for all.

The stakes are high. Armed violence and conflict are major obstacles to achieving the SDGs. They divert resources away from essential social and economic development, and they trap millions of people in poverty and misery. But disarmament has the power to transform our world. It can free up resources for investment in education, healthcare, and other vital services. It can help to create a more peaceful and secure world, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

So, what will countries decide at this UNSSOD? Will they rise to the challenge and take bold steps towards disarmament? Or will they allow the world to continue on its current path of self-destruction?

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