Syed Ali

Co- Chairperson

Adesh David

Co- Chairperson

Agenda: Bosnian War

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

The Bosnian War, a harrowing chapter from 1992 to 1995, was a crucible of suffering and resilience within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Born from the ashes of a fracturing Yugoslavia, it was a period riddled with ethnic tensions, historical animosities, and political maneuvering. Bosniaks and Bosnian Croats, championed the preservation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a unified state, a beacon of multicultural coexistence.

The war was marked by widespread displacement, heart-wrenching atrocities, and an immense loss of life. Our alliance, facing off against Bosnian Serb and Yugoslav forces, navigated a treacherous path to safeguard our vision of a unified nation.

The Dayton Agreement in 1995 brought a semblance of peace, establishing the current political framework. The delegates in this committee find themselves at a juncture where they can rewrite history as we know it and bring glory to the Bosnian croat cause or die trying.

Background Guide
